March 01, 2015


Yours Sinc. has been quite busy in the service of Music this week -- upcoming concert -- and hasn't spent too much time painting. I've attended a croquis session -- might show you the result later -- and after that I got mildly criticized for posting small stuff, doodles and the like and not much in the way of masterworks -- it is not possible to do masterworks weekly. And one good thing about blogging is the continuity. So this, gentle reader, is Varia, or A Muddly Bit of Everything that I found lying about.

At least you haven't seen this: Ink-and-aqua on paper, half letter size; Mr. Ceder Introducing Himself.


Why do they say Dog tired and not Cat tired? I think I am Cat tired. And this, I think, is a cat. Ball point pen -- they're underrated.

Doodling is good on the whole. That's how ideas are born. Here's the boat Little Myy (Lilla My) and a sea monster, made in the margin of something -- can't remember what now.

And with that we'll call it a day. Next week I'll bring you the masterwork... but I gravely doubt it.