January 11, 2015

Heart, Practical and Unbreakable

As for you, my galvanized friend, you want a heart! You don't know how lucky you are not to have one. Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable.
-- Wizard of Oz, to the Tin Man

The tin heart, finally made unbreakable and practical, has a switch for turning the heart on -- In case we should have one but fail to -- and it can also be switched off before it is overloaded or hurt or even broken. There is also a knob for finely adjusting the heat of the heart; very useful for those who over- or underheat.

The tin heart is heavily protected with a code lock and cast in the best hardened steel of Oz. Tick tock, in safety at last.

Kudos to Marie, dear friend and muse, who helps me to come up with so many wonderful sillies. I owe you hedgehogs.