October 31, 2019

Inktober Harvest

I couldn't make my way through all of Inktober this year, far from it. I'm too much of a perfectionist, and my life as a Jack of many trades in culture kept me busy. But I came up with a few pieces, including a pair of experimental ones not in the original concept. For instance, here's...


Drawing negatively is fun but very challenging. You don't see what you get. Memento: The black ink is white! The white paper is black! You can't do shadings. But the shadings become "lightings". The final result, scanned and inverted, is quite rewarding though.


The same inversion, sans the border, was used for this logo. (It sums up what I do pretty nicely.) You might note that a few notes were copied in order to get some balance in the work. Again, I had to keep in mind somehow that this...

...becomes this.


A real Inktober drawing. These industrious Woodheads (or so I call them) would also look nice if you were to print them in a large format, thanks to the wonderful precision and flexibility of the classic steel pen nib:

You might note that there's a few gold dots in it too (in real life they're gleaming nicely) that make up the ring itself.



The title might refer both to the sailing and the drinking kind. In all works I make room for the slightly enigmatic and, hopefully, intriguing. I want to jog your imagination.

October 23, 2019

A Very Advanced Computer

("Dator" means Computer in Swedish.) I've done a lot in ink lately, and even picked up the old Perpetual Book Project again for a while. This piece of top-notch technology is intended for that story, replacing a drawing that's a bit old and no longer "me" enough. Some digital colouring has been added, and just a few electric shadings and enhancements too (I didn't want to ruin the original, and water is always risky).

Falltime, beautiful autumn days. Gone is the hay fever that started this this midsummer (and as the park management insisted on cutting grass well into September -- how much for keeping the illusions of Workfare intact -- my nostrils didn't stop suffering altogether until recently) and some of my depression too (the latter being a very, very long story, almost as long as this sentence, parentheses included). And while I'm jolly angry for reasons that I won't tell you, I still had fun inking these details: