April 26, 2015

It Takes Two to Tango (or worse)

This little thing I threw together while waiting for the first coating of varnish to dry on my boat, shivering a little as the shipyard was rather cold and raw and windy... I don't know whether this visual thought is warming or not. I had a little fun. It's a dance macabre of certain nearness, but no matter how close or intimate, they never really seem to reach at all...

...many relationships work this way. The colours are happy anyway, even if the couple isn't (I don't know).

April 19, 2015

Partly Wooden Angel
and Ceiling Perspectives on Beauty

This little thing (Photoshop pen, photo and Photoshop insanity) would fit nicely in the ceiling of a church or so -- or not. The wooden façade is stretching up to the sky. The angel -- if it is an angel and not a being orbiting lower trajectories, like the rest of us (and why wouldn't we unangels want glorification? we need it better) -- is made of the same stuff as the walls, obviously, and I see some kind of point in that.

Well, let's have a closer look. It strikes me now that there's a point too in not (I drew her on a whim) having a classic beauty. True beauty can be rather unclassic, real angelic imperfection.

April 12, 2015

Violated Violins, Slithering Zithers or Suchlike

From a poster in progress. They play experimental music, and gave me free hands to experiment myself...

Viola d'amore, obviously. (A little poetic license, but they do play the Viola da Gamba, cello and contrabass...) There's not too much room, making the already odd ideas odd in shape too.

The gang is in place (top) and the text roughly where it should, but there's no telling what might happen on the right side (you might hint an outline; soon subject to whim and change, not unnecessarily nonviolent). I hope to get surprised.

April 05, 2015

Suffering, Hope and Worn Messenger Pidgeons
(Letrero por Dolores y Esperanza)

The wonderful thing about Dolores y Esperanza (the name on the letter) is that it means Suffering and Hope respectively, and it could be an actual Spanish name.

Being answered might bring suffering or hope.

Not being answered brings mostly suffering.

April 04, 2015

Happy Easter!

Dear readers,
Happy Easter!
(In Swedish and Spanish too.)

A little Easter egg for you, as thanks for keeping your eyes on Paintstakingly :)

You're very welcome to spread the image above -- just promise to keep it precisely as it is -- as your very own surreal Easter greeting!

(And below, voilà, you find 6 eyes only 4 your eyes only...)