January 27, 2019


Made quite ad hoc without any plan, using this old photo that I found. I take pictures of, well, almost everything with an interesting form or twist. And when I forget when or why (I soon do) they become really useful.

Let's go closer and say Hello to whatever-she-is. Voilà :)

January 09, 2019

I Need More Time (Now Publishing Semiweekly)

As the title says, we'll now publish every other week (not always on the same day!). Yours sinc. will try to publish something good a few times a month than something often half-baked weekly. Besides, Paintstakingly has been on for quite some time now. This January 2018 there is already more than 300 posts waiting to be discovered and re-discovered. So that just must do.

And here we go, a watch with odd bits and ends, just as Surrealism dictates.