December 29, 2020

A Heartless Year

2020! Corona pandemic, a mad president sitting (and s****ing) on the top of the world and enviromental doomsday bells. It has been very heartless. December brings us...
...this heartless little balloon-heart-factory; I called it
”Industrial Ego Boost, or Why We Are So Clever”

Backstory: Sweden runs on lots of subsidies; whether it's the housing of Real Workers or directly to the factories where they're stored 9-5, presumably (but not necessarily) doing Real Work. All is paid for by timber from stolen forests and reindeer feeding grounds rich in ore – both taken from the indigenous Sámi people.
(One of those days, the balloon will get pricked by a giant needle.)

We also made a brokenhearted little ballpoint thingy.

This year had many people masking up...
And even S:t Lucia celebrations in Sweden were a little exhausted.
Whew! Cheers to a new year. As different as possible. We need it.