November 28, 2021

Frost, Chilly Geometry and Other Eerie Stuff

Half an hour ambling around in the chill totally without a clue. Shooting this and that. This, and 2½ hours worth of Photoshop... et voilà. I have not been too careful, but let the crude lines be. I saw no point in refining them, but preferred to carve away into them as I went on, filling in collage, layering "paint" and distorting in general. It is now available on Saatchi&Saatchi (link).
In an entirely different vein, here's Home for the Geometrically Depressed (also available on Saatchi & Saatchi under that name, you can't miss it).
Last but not least -- obviously i still work with analogue stuff. This is PTSD or You Never Remember Their Faces -- because you never do. Mostly ink and watercolours.
That'll do for November.

November 01, 2021

Abysmal Puddle, A Premonition.

October ended on such a sour note that I never got around to posting anything. This one I called Abysmal Puddle: I was feeling low already.
Then things got worse. A lost cellphone and general mischief.
I'm just waiting for the next blow.