March 03, 2025


Intended for the last of February, but my kettle has been slow to boil. I'm a little teapot, short and squat... but this is anyhow, as I described it on my Bluesky page:

"I call this little piece Samovar, for short. Worried feelings about what'll happen to Ukraine (i.e., all of us) somehow got blended in my mind into this hot brew, served with ink and watercolours on cardboard."

If things were fair, I'd get to post this on February 31:st, which is what our Third of March actually is. And here we go microscopic and take a look at the feet of this beast - - -
- - - Poor fellows.
Help Ukraine if you can. Before it's too late.
The sea-bird in tatters is harder to explain, but assuredly part of the general angst. Even closer up:
- - - as the miniature isn't even letter size. I sort of like the miniature part of miniature painting, the only time when I feel that anything is small and manageable enough, not overwhelming, not underwhelming (the picky parts are excitingly tricky) but simply ...whelming, just whelming enough.

January 31, 2025

Bored Hospital Sketch

So it goes. Yours sincerely was allowed some kind of Conté pen and watercolours. The motif might speak for itself.