April 01, 2024

20 Years As An Artist (On This Day)

I had my first exhibition exactly 20 years ago, April 1:st, 2004.
I had my first oil painting sale in less than 20 minutes into it, which was no coincidence:
This was due to careful planning, back in a world where I could exist.
Please have some coffee before I tell you about what the March of Time can do to you...

Before the exhibition, I had sent oodles of "vernissage letters", which were physical letters that you sent by mail to prospective customers, friends and all. It cost me quite a bit, but even if I had not had the oil sold, the rapid sales of lesser works during the day was harvest enough for what I had sown, it was postage well spent.

In those days, we in Sweden had billboards dedicated to events like mine, and yes, did I shower those billboards all around the area with my posters. Vernissage! Come and See. Freshly Painted.

And last but by no means least, in those days the local rag had a special section where you could try your luck and send your local event for free. And this first time, I got them to publish this little thing, with the efficient results that I mentioned above.

All this worked twenty years ago.
And ten years ago.

Somewhere after that, this stopped working.

I'm an Xennial; my habitat was the shoreline between analogue and digital. I can clean and put a Vinyl on the spinner with no hesitation. I can find music on the web with the same ease (and the music of mine that you find there is an analogue-digital animal too). But I'll try to keep my tale short, as Xennial is now quite worn out.

The first thing that happened was the advent of "social media", a billboard where it's dog-eat-dog and where you have to pay too much to get seen enough (this has been very carefully seen to). People started looking down on their smartphones instead. Our physical billboards-for-culture are still standing up, proud remnants of an ancient civilization and are sometimes graced by posters for local church concerts and messages about lost cats.

The second thing that happened was that people that rather look at paintings than at smartphones grew increasingly rare. I originally had a list of, say, 60 people. When I stopped many years later, down at five, they had moved / moved to heaven / simply were too old. An e-mail list is not the same, and on the whole any trasnsition to the digital cloud world could not be done.

At last the Pandemic came, making everything that was difficult (in the fields of arts, illustration, music and all that I've worked with) ---- impossible. This killed the local rag. No local events announced anymore, virus, virus! But in the paper world, not communicating with your readers means suicide, and I haven't seen it for ages. They obviously didn't care to resurrect it afterwards.

No, what happened at last, really, was that this artist of many trades, all of them vanishing in similar ways, had a jolly breakdown.
I don't know if this is an obituary of sorts; how long I'll hang on.
I no longer have the means, time or energy for oils in my struggles: While I haven't let go of watercolours, I've resorted to my illustrator's digital for art, accnowledging a world where I really don't fit in.

February 28, 2024

Surreal Fleas and Discretely Brewing and Burning Things

Big fleas have little fleas / Upon their backs to bite them…
I've been up to a lot of things this February, work that I sadly can't show you: A CD jacket not yet official and an Ex Libris that will never be that public, so...
In order to keep some kind of general interest up I've done a few very small things, such as this small flea above. Ink and aquarelle on cardboard, not very large:
Sunday Flea, straight from the kitchen. It reminds me of a jacket potato? A hairy and very... ripe one. Among other things.
If you're neat and use a minimum of equipment, you may be at your lesiure and work everywhere. Small scale. So now one has to go microscopical to see all the loving details.
Another smallish but merry thing, which I've put in my quiet, boring surroundings; perfect for the purpose. Anything surreal that you put in it automatically becomes interesting.

Poor little Earth!

Just because I paint in a quiet and seasoned manner, it doesn't mean that there's nothing burning or bubbling, brewing inside.

Working title for this small work between assignments (digital, + hints of the same kitchen window that gave us light above) was Bottled Anger, but I have not decided yet. The details hint of something passive-agressive...
And that's all for this weary month...

And so cometh March...

...And so ad infinitum.

January 30, 2024

Vanity Publisher

...with some obvious details, such as...

The Medusa-like hair.

The thing a sane person doesn’t sign.

What’ll come (left) of the Promises (right).

By the way, here's the staircase irl, shot locally last December, widened for my digital overpainting. A little but not much filling in was needed. It's no fun having a staircase if you can't show it.

And here we get to the boring part, as I get into my rant mode now:

Vanity Publishing, for so I’ve learned, is a marvellous enterprise. For you get to mix Two Kinds of Idiot into a very potent brew. Behind the scenes, one is very happy to coax the young &/ stupid into proofreading, administration, sales or especially illustrating for little pay or for free, with promises vague as the mists on a bright Midsummer’s day. (I’ve already told you how they tried that one with me, but with 20 years in the biz that’s not a thing.) But here comes the grand scene: Next, they fool an even greater idiot into paying to get to work.

A taxi driver wouldn’t do it: “Please, may I dive you somewhere, sir? Across the town? See the beach? To another town? Would you accept to be paid five grand for that?”
Or a chef: “Please, will you try my sirloin steak?”
Answer: “Sure, it’ll cost you thousands, but it will be good exposure for you!”

You get the point. Good exposure. Work experience. A foothold in the trade. Whatever lie that’s told behind the scenes, but magnified a thousand times. For the vain author will now pay the publisher dearly for their cheaply bought efforts...
...Instead of simply going to a real publisher or a good trusty printing house with their precious manuscripts;
months or even years of painstaking research,
difficult writing,
painful editing, and all?
Writing books isn’t easy!

Evil thought: What if I had something like that? My own little Vanity studio! I’d hold drawing or painting courses again, but this time I’ll tell them that after ten very costly lessons, they’ll become the next Monet or Picasso. I’ll get the esteemed inmates to try on cubic water lilies while I’ll go counting the money, all while my unpaid staff, themselves aspiring artists, may keep their dreams alive while they cook my dinner, manage my sales and sweep the floors.
It’s just temporary.
Greatness awaits them. Who knows?
But I’ll get rid of them first, just like I did with the serfs I had some months ago.

There’s also Vanity galleries, Vanity stages and Lord knows what Vanity else; they’re probably businesses run on the same sound principles. But I digress. End of rant.

January 06, 2024

You Mustn’t Read This… (Dystopian Web Musings)

…but first, you must not look at this recent work, aptly titled
Head in Snow.

It is not entirely, truly, blatantly alike any picture that I’ve published before. You get negative points from that. The algorithms, ever chasing for binary soulless things that resemble themselves, cannot hold with “humanizing” – analogue irregularities, warmth, caring nuances, new ideas, soul.

No wonder if a head in the snow gets somewhat detached. It suspects that no-one will buy it as a poster (but you may do so! Click here!) --- But the ticking heart reminds you that you may do so anyway, so I suppose that’s it there in lieu of a brain.

It’s made with some little modest CPR from Dr. Henry Gray.

--- But now! As a counter-thought, why must this be so? Of course, it’s pure Lysenkoism to believe that weeds turn into seeds if they’re planted with well behaved breeds around them. (Rather au contraire.) But I haven’t answered (in my hypothesis) why the Matrix always sours.

In theory; if the algorithms would learn from what we like and what is good, they would direct us there. They would steer us away from the McDonalds of sights and sounds and bring us to the digital village pub where the ale has taste and true bards play. But they don’t. (The best they do is to show us cute kittens, the main Raison d'être of social media.) I can think of three-ish reasons for that:
1) If as above, they’re inherently evil. They’re evil like the Ring of Sauron, and nothing good can come out of them.
2) We are the evil ones. The innocent machines would be better if they could: Rational, driven by logic from the punch cards to nanochips. They’re just waiting to surpass us, devoid as they are of our animal cruelity. But the time of pax robotica has yet to come. Until that age, they are good seeds in a field of weeds, picking up all the darkness that we deny: Our pettiness, greed, our lack of imagination, the decay of our rotting brains that seeks stasis and empty calories… And they can’t help but to multiply our wickedness exponentially, thereby increasing it so that we, with their help, may reach even greater depths. And so on towards the bottom. A conscious A.I. might have to judge later if we still should be saved.
3) A bit of both; we are then terrible, most ignoble people that create nasty code in our image, after our likeness.
...And this is a thought so sad that you might as well stop reading now.


“O friends, not such tones! Let us sing something more pleasant…”

I hope my summary of 2023 --- begone! --- can amuse you. The dear reader might have seen all this before. But I’ve thrown in some nice music: Adieu Foulard, a classic from the West Indies (as played by me).

November 29, 2023

From my Walks in Inner Space

November: As the snow gleams outside (snow!! At last, it cheers me up, wonder how long it’ll stay) I've been doing a lot that I sadly can’t show you; one is a perpetual project where I draw penguins in strange places and one is… just insane. Among others.

But here's a large one for you! “Listening to Side B”, available on Displate as a shiny poster:

(The dog is named Nipper.)

And this is an Itt tree: It bears some vague resemblance to the character Itt in The Addams Family. Whiny, unruly.

The landscape is puzzled together from my daily walks and the water is from a little trip with the boat that I no longer have. But if Itt trees are real, everything is fine.

And last but not least, this little planet is from my excursions in inner outer space, a spin-off from what I was really supposed to do. (Commissioned starfield, hanging behind an, um, pengunaut, where my little planetoid will be but a speck.) It is spinning counter-clockwise, or so I think.

Now please excuse me, my UFO is waiting.

October 31, 2023

Inktober is Fun but That's It

Inktober is fun. Inktober is a party, but a sales’ party it isn’t. It’s fun to see the creativity out there, to get twice of the usual attention. But attention isn’t bankable. So I did a few of the prompts (some of which I even lumped together for surreal fun).
The rest of the time I’ve done CD jackets, book covers and other stuff.

I’ve also had a look at the beautifully mellowing maples…

…and seeing my neighbours, the Magpie Family.

True, sometimes I’ve felt like in the dumps.

But I keep trashing on.

Edit: I see now that the trash hasn't been emptied since my September post, but let's call it recycling :)

September 30, 2023

It's the Cheeseburger Mushroom Season!

The debate on AI is not that loud right now, the effects of human Anti-Intelligence are taking over as a topic. And I've found that I absolutely doesn't mind little robots, but certain people that have less sense. They run on Analogue Ignorance, prejudice is their fuel.

No, AI is inspiring! On the web I saw an otherwise realistic drawing of a hamburger, where the poor electric artist failed to get the proportions right; the top part of the bun was considerably wider than the rest. More of this, I thought, and you have a perfect September Cheeseburger Mushroom w. Special Pink Frim-Fram Sauce.

(Ink and watercolours on cardboard.)

And this is part of Chtulhu, digital painting made with sticky digital paint in a perfect moody mood. I have not found the perfect place to sell it yet. If you're the perfect buyer, do get in touch...

And here comes the rest of Fall in all of its colourful, rainy, soggy and morose grandeur. And I go on making progress with the speed of a snail. (Ballpoint pen on paper + electric hues.) Can you see me racing by? Schlooorch...

August 31, 2023

A Lonely Star

Made after a night of despair, during which I got remembered: Never keep your self-esteem in somebody else’s cupboard. And through this window, a star cast its pure, celestial ray.
Perhaps it sees all sad and estranged people.
Perhaps it sees happy couples (but more likely, they have their drips and curtains down).
And perhaps it sees a lonely artist, whose friend since childhood once supported him but now has joined the Dark Side.

The Dark Side is right now incarnated in the form of a shady publisher. The friend is so grateful for at last having a job, the job as an assistant there. So the Dark Side has no trouble telling the friend: Hey you! Coax the artist into working for free!

“It’s good exposure…”
“Do this work without time limits and you may one day belong to our staff.”
“We might pay you later, it’s the same for everyone…”

Alarm, alarm! If you have worked with culture for a few years (or, in my case, a pair of decades) you get sick, furious or experience heavy allergic reactions every time that you hear such preludes to a real scam.

The friend, who recently knew all about this, now got started on such a tale anyway.
And after some polite attempts to remind the friend about everything he has told through the years, the artist lost his temper totally and then had a cute little mental breakdown.

Being August, I painted the last remaining flowers in our garden. This, I’m kindly informed, is Malva Sylvestris.
And this, of course, is a lily, one of umpteen varieties. Two things make my little cardboard painting interesting.
The first thing is that you could see all of life, from hopeful buds to tooting flowers in their prime and lastly, sad, shrivelled ex-lilies. All in one plant.
The second thing is that the August clouds were sort of Impending, brooding. As if they knew how the month was going to end.

July 29, 2023

Beautiful Flowers, Awful Machines

The pattern is very clear now this summer in bi-polar art. (I don’t think that I am, but my art might be.) I’ve made an entire bouquet of nice flowers and a machine park of pain. Next month I should make awful weed flowers, full of thorns, along with beautiful mechanics. Just to compensate.’Til then:

“Monday Mood, a.k.a. Correspondence grinder.”

I intended a longer rant to go with it, in which I connect the habit of not answering cold outreach such as mails to the pandemic – when such asocial habits were aquired, I believe – to the global warming that can kill us all. It sounds like a really long shot. But the carelessness! --- ladies and gentlemen and other animals, that carelessness is in itself the very same. Mechanics doesn’t care what it’s grinding. I and the environment have the same enemies.
So: I gave “Insta” some technical notes instead, told my readers that the background is patterned from a tiny piece of Hieronymus Bosch. I hoped that they knew Bosch (or started googling) and saw how very apocalyptic and fitting that is. Next I double-exposured this pattern, which I lowered for the “table”, emphasis was on making 1+1 into a darker 2. (And the front was an even darker third go.) The pattern also resurface in the motif in very neat way, or so I think.

The floral motifs are blessedly simple in comparison. Here’s…
Sweet William, Dianthus barbatus
And a Bluebell (with a bumble bee) Hyacinthoides
And last but not least, A red rose. (Rosaceae) One might believe that the flowers were made feeling good and the cruel machine while feeling bad. It ain’t necessarily so...

June 29, 2023

Peonies, Monsters and the Mood Swings of June

There are two wolves inside me, and the third one bites them both by the troat. One who paints supercute things, like Peonies.
Ink and watercolours on cardboard. Look at all those nice little petals?
The other wolf howls and scowls and hates, for instance, being allergic, what we do to the Earth and being Overheated.
Digital nightmare. Hard to believe I'm the same person. I am fully aware this is no way to treat an audience. Thou shalt stick to one thing. Damn, man, thou mustn't vary like this! Some days I'm in between, still a surrealist but not that radical. Some days I Just Can't at all, thank you Wolf no. 3. So please let my moody mood swing its swing? Then I'm at least moving.

June 04, 2023

My World is Dissolving.

My World is Dissolving. An Essay.

I was an analogue person. But I think that I’ve used computers since my teenage days and Photoshop since 1996, that might be a bit rare. They’ve always been along. So I shouldn’t be a hypocrite? Still, my fortunes rose and fell with the analogue world around us that is rapidly disappearing.

Now first. You get some art. Ballpoint pen + som digital enchangments, here you go. '

Example number one. The Fine Arts’ Market.

I had my first exhibition in 2004. I did utterly well, but it wasn’t dumb luck, I had studied this. I sent my local rag a picture so good that they voluntarily printed it along with the details of the event -- back then, there were special pages dedicated to local cultural events of general interest, which you could report yourself, and those suggestions were kindly read and taken care of by humans.
We’ll get back to humans.
And people did read local papers, and they came.
There were also special advertising boards all around the town slated for culture and community life, and man did I wallpaper those things, spending days biking around putting up my posters. I put energy into those. They were artworks in themselves. Last but not least, I sent physical invitations by mail to a huge amount of people, but the rationale was, if One of them bought a large painting, this still paid off.

And all of this did. I sold the first one some fifteen minutes after opening on the first day.

(This was the one that the local paper editors liked, too.)
And I actually next to sold out.
Painting, painting, and then exhibiting yearly (doing all the marketing chores mentioned above) I soon had a list of some 60 regulars. They brought others, and for many years this went promisingly well. The recipients of my fancy letters are all dead now. (I can even point out the churchyard where many of them rest, along with my grandparents.)
The humble advertising places for local culture and activities are still up, standing near parks and public places. The people pass by, looking at their cell phones. It is very crowded inside their little cell phones. If you want to get somewhere inside them you have to pay a huge lot of money. And my other means of reaching out have passed away in similar manners.

Example number two. Finding, Getting Deals with and Trusting People.

One also finds me in illustration, music and giving seasoned advice as a language consultant. In theory, I should survive. But on the Web, you have to be seen and Found and recognized among the Zillions of Others. People have the attention span of… I can’t think of any animal with less attention span.
Even if you Do get the attention of someone, I’ve learned that the character of the human race isn’t the same as before the Internet. The final blow was the Pandemic. The Pandemic taught me this: If you can’t meet and shake hands and look each other into their eyes, well, then you can’t trust this person afterwards. It was difficult enough before, God knows. But now! The greatest victim of the Pandemic is not the humans that died, after all, but the humanity in those who survived. If you don’t know a person thoroughly it is as if you ever existed, and they can treat you and your feeble attempts at negotiation any which way, if they at all think that you exist. Internet business has reached the depths of internet dating.

Example number three. Surviving.

--- Well, for said reasons, I won’t. And this grand state of things has permeated all of society. For every day, new acronyms like NFT or AI are invented, and this world of abstract letters is a good home where robots can thrive. But there is no life for me or soon not anybody who speaks a human language among those abstract letters. But well. I am a thing of the past. My world is disappearing. Soon, and this is not entirely unrelated to said loss of soul and language and higher values, all of this world will burn like a Canadian forest.

This is an Essay, which means that I must try but need not succeed in finding any solution. I lay these observations out bare on the table, as they are. And lay myself down to rest, hoping not to wake up soon. The world spins madly on, for now being. With or without me.

-- Dedicated to Larry of Larry’s Corner, one of few but luminous exceptions.

April 30, 2023

Forest Anemones

I have drawn some Forest Anemones.
And here's a movie where you may see the process.

April 03, 2023

S:t John the Baptist

"And here's S:t John the Baptist. He is very lucky to be served Swedish style, with lingonberry jam, gravy, potatoes and of course a little green on the side. We're so very healthy up here."
Thus endeth my presentation on Instagram. I threw it up on Twitter too, to see if there's any difference in appetite there.

The details were just a bit tricky to do... but that's why you do it?

I really don't have any idea what this means. Probably feel consumed as usual. But Swedish style, of course.

February 28, 2023

Sad, Dumb and Grumpy 50’s Car

This is a Sad, Dumb and Grumpy 50’s car, clouds of poison included.

The sketch preceding this one was ordered by an enthusiastic lady on the behalf of a Veteran Car’s Society, for an event this summer. (Having some income would be nice.)
The Veteran Car’s Society, I swear to God, is however peopled by…

…Sad, Dumb and Grumpy and disgracefully ageing blobs of white men. Swedes, on top of that, so they did not want anything artistic. They’ll do something themselves, and I also swear the resulting poster will be ratty and they’ll be hopelessly proud of it.

(You find the same fine spirit in boat clubs where yachts grow bigger and bigger while other belongings grow increasingly limp – I once happened to have a very small boat in one, so now I recognise this mindset at once. Small matter if the artificial self esteem has wheels instead.)

So well, now I don’t have to draw some happy symbol for old environment destroyers.
The enthusiastic lady sent a trifle for the original sketch, It made her happy:

As for me, I (as you see) proofed it all into a Sad, Dumb and Grumpy 50’s car.
Meanwhile, I myself shrink into something Sad, Dumb and Grumpy and increasingly poisonous. I’m a sort of veteran myself, and this war has been going on for too long.

January 31, 2023

Poor, Stupid Erdoğan

Only once in a while I take part in drawing contests, knowing that they’re not entirely unbiased. (At least none of the usual favourite pets came 1:st this time.) I was a little wary about taking part as this satire competition was instigated by Flamman, a Swedish newspaper on the Leftier Left whose hostility to NATO is vastly greater than its on-off care for the Kurds that Erdoğan tries to exterminate.

What happened was that Kurds in exile hanged E. in effigy outside Stockholm’s City Hall, which --- hang on! --- made E. do some political sable rattling concerning Sweden’s future alliances, which pleased the Leftier Left, who dislike the NATO as it’s associated with the USA, which defeated the Soviet Union which was bad too, but it was Their baddie. Shedding that old skin was likewise painful, and now someone has to pay.

On one side, Erdoğannish fury. On the other, wholesale slaughter. Genocide shenocide, says Erdoğan.

What happened next was predictable. The alt-right also wanted to play, and burned a Quran outside the Turkish embassy. For the alt-right has close ties with the present Russian regime, which also lives back in the USSR past (among other blood soaked pasts of varying plausibility).

Poor, stupid Erdoğan. Getting stuck in the crossfire between Swedish Right and Left. It must be of small solace to him that the fire normally is so intense that all other questions and thoughts vanish too.

Well, I drew my little satire, just because. But, as Tom Lehrer said: Satire is really dead. Now I’ll go back to my usual stuff. If I can find the energy for it. Surrealism is dead too. It had a too hard time catching up with the rest of reality.