May 31, 2024

Half a Fish in Oil, w. Thoughts

I am back into painting oils, knock wood, after a five year hiatus from the sticky yucky slimy slowy-as-snails progress. It is a way to restore your humanity (or at least to see if there’s anything left).

While painting on this, I made a little note:

How different isn’t the trad. painter’s mindset from the industrial one!
“We have All Day and we’ll go on ‘til this is looking Good.”

One can hardly imagine a sentiment less compatible with the world that we live in.

If you really want to enslave a people, kill their imagination, remove their leisure calm and creativity. They will then always regress into what was before, tyrannise themselves.

Parenthesis: Involuntarily, my mind returns to this poor little country where actual work, meaningful and fulfilling, might even get regarded with suspicion due to those qualities. (The psychology behind this is all too easy to unmask.) This is what comes of freeing slaves but letting the chains in their minds remain. I am now referring to the main colony that Sweden ever had: Sweden itself. But I digress. Go out and enjoy the summer, stop thinking. End.

Is there any way out? Asking not only for Sweden: Can we all rise? I don’t think that an elite of intellectuals or certain workers or whatevers will do; not in a society that hitherto has made a habit of elevating the least original, the trite, the worst…

This time, there can be no castes. *
With this, I’ll go back to my sticky yucky slimy slowy-as-snails progress, not feeling as industrious as my friendly companions in the garden; the happily buzzing bees.

*It’s something that one can hear during certain demos; “Nobody is Free Until Everybody’s Free”, but if you then look behind and see who is allowed to be “everybody” and who isn’t, you realise…

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