July 22, 2013

The More We Get Together...

...the happier we shall be. It's good to get out once in a while. The kind of person that can spend hours and days perfecting a square inch on canvas isn't necessarily Society's Pet, and this hermitage is ultimately Bad for Business and your mental curriculum in general. I've found that cultural workers dream the same kind of dreams. But our lives and conditions become very different depending on what we do; if we're painters, writers, or (my antipode) the restlessly touring musician who has to play Everywhere, meeting Everyone in the process. Woof!

Anyhow: Your painter was a little tired of playing solo. So this was made in cooperation with poet Peter Palm...

...who has written summer, surfs and sunshine into twelve very short verses; they're ordered into groups of three, which we found would make four very neat little posters. Here is the first, with spaces from top left to lower right for the stanzas.

The poems are very open-ended and so are my works. That's a happy marriage, and the resulting posters will be for sale during my two exhibitions this Fall (or -- of course -- if you ask me, which you're very welcome to do...) And during these exhibitions Life will be a little more social and musical, and I'll sing your friends are my friends 
And my friends are your friends 
The more we get together
the happier we shall be...
     -- etc.

(A resized detail.)