Terms: Straight and generous commission, set by mutual agreement.
Payment in advance: Not at all. (Non-selling salespersons need not bother.)
Please send your résumé, i.e. experience + personal qualifications, to
(It might be of interest that Yours Sincerely is a member of the The association of Swedish illustrators and graphic designers and runs his business through his very well-registered sole proprietorship; Firma Joakim Ceder based in Stockholm, Sweden.)
And now for something completely different. You'll be very happy to know that Whale and Mission Impossible is still for sale as a poster. Here you may see the work on the original (if there's such a thing as a digital original) -- Look! :)
Last and perhaps least, the Dragon Painting is still in (slow) progress. This week: a foot, or claw.
The right side of Nipponiana will become more peaceful, I think. At least I hope so.