November 09, 2014

Coffee Nymphs Post-Vernissage

So the vernissage+concert was finished at last, and especially the latter went well but demanded a huge lot of planning and logistics (one dancer, one singer, one poet, one violinist -- wonderful people -- and little me on the piano) so Yours Sinc. is now very tired. They tell me that I played well (we did get a fair little audience after all) and I might actually believe that, but I'm a little too exhausted to enjoy the success...

And here, I've just begun on a couple of Coffee Nymphs. They look frightened, somehow, a little scared that a little mug and a little company just might turn into something warmer than Latte, hesitating in front of a cup of Unplanned Luck. Having met too many pairs of these unromantically cold feet, I just had to start on this study from Singleholm City. There you go. Just try a sip.