-- Surrealisms and serious oddities by Joakim Ceder.
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September 27, 2015
Body Part Confusion (& Other Confusions)
Poor girl. Something's wrong. We don't feel really fit for life. We Mismatch. This one I was about to send to one of those image banks that earn a few hundred dollars for every image sold, whereas the creator is rewarded with many, many cents. Upon seeing the other requirements -- you have to prove that analogue originals like this may exist without the aid of electricity, thus photographed from different angles and two witnesses have to testify that this is my work -- no. Just no.
I've had a lot of these Just No experiences lately. For instance, trying to find a good salesperson -- but not too good. One of them instantly tried to sell a homepage to me, another demanded 5000 SEK (that's close to 600 USD) in advance, the third one... you get the point. (Perhaps I should get a purchasing manager to sell my works?) Back to art. Please, let's think of art instead ---
One odd thing is that the sketch somehow had a charm that the finished "inkquarelle" hasn't. Don't know why. Or perhaps that's just me.
September 20, 2015
Paired Horses
I was sort of inspired by seeing a couple walking -- which I did with the somewhat weary eyes of someone Too Single -- somehow they felt like a strange animal of four legs and one-and-a-half mind. Immediately, the Swedish word parhäst came to my mind: The word in itself means a paired horse as in a horse team but the idea is that of one who is jolly happy about being part of a twosomeness.
The horses in front aren't jolly happy. Perhaps those happy in the background will soon cry stylized crystal tears too, but that is more than I know. Or they might even heal, for better and worse, but how that is to happen without even more damage done is also more than I know.
Ink, watercolour, paper. And this double horse is one inch or so from nose to nose.
September 13, 2015
Ship of Despair
Made for quite personal reasons, it's an unhappy ship run by some sort of Mymbles.*
It'll do you no good to ask why.
Reactions to their wet dilemma range from blind optimism to utter despair.
Life is hard on the dissolving ship. I haven't bothered very much to give it details, perhaps adding to the uncertain dark mood.
I've deliberately kept the colour scale down to black, white and sepia plus red. Going digital, one can have any colour that one wants. There's some aesthetic point in not wanting rainbows then.
*It was Tove Jansson who invented the Mymbles; Mymlor in Finnish Swedish. Q.v.
September 06, 2015
Portrait in Fragments
In the digital diaspora that followed the breakdown of my computer -- it has to do with two anti-virus programs attacking each other virally -- it takes a bit of sophisticated artificial stupidity to come up with such a thing -- I felt a bit broken myself, and I drew this one (whoopee that I got to borrow a digital pad while we wait) while waiting to see if Life wants us both back. I use blue background, black, white and crayfishy lobstertentackleish elements of forbidden seas. There's also some inspiration drawn from the Death Star (Star Wars) but in the progress it became fragmentation in general.
September 04, 2015
Syrian Waters / Have A Heart
Here, a poster. It's yours. Well, not for free:
1) Donate something; Red Cross, Médecins sans frontières, somewhere useful.
2) Your karma is now improved. Click on the image below to get a large one. Then print as you please.
Look closer. Think.
Chorus: Red Cross, Médecins sans frontières, somewhere useful...
1) Donate something; Red Cross, Médecins sans frontières, somewhere useful.
2) Your karma is now improved. Click on the image below to get a large one. Then print as you please.
Look closer. Think.
Chorus: Red Cross, Médecins sans frontières, somewhere useful...
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