October 21, 2018

Looking for Love in Unusual Places

Some people steal images in order to get seen on the web -- very bad practice; if someone didn't get paid, it's theft. I keep to stealing lines that someone might google on to get attention -- I found the phrase suitable as a title, and this might be found if you are interested in a old Sierra classic named Larry. It wasn't a game for children. Larry was looking for the meatier side of love, one might say. We teenagers broke the code quite quickly. (I was this odd teen who didn't use the shortcut -- I remember it was alt-X -- but actually learned the answers to the grown-up questions, receiving a slice of Americana too as I went along.)

I might get back to the thing I was working on before next week. There has been plenty to do in my other trades (right now I'm a proofreader and language consultant) -- and I also very much wanted to do this little ink drawing while the idea was fresh in my head. It might get even better with some colours on, who knows, but why overdo it? It's a little quirky and more than a little enigmatic and I think it'll do. If it jogs your imagination a little, I'm happy. One must take Imagination out for a walk now and then.

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