November 29, 2023

From my Walks in Inner Space

November: As the snow gleams outside (snow!! At last, it cheers me up, wonder how long it’ll stay) I've been doing a lot that I sadly can’t show you; one is a perpetual project where I draw penguins in strange places and one is… just insane. Among others.

But here's a large one for you! “Listening to Side B”, available on Displate as a shiny poster:

(The dog is named Nipper.)

And this is an Itt tree: It bears some vague resemblance to the character Itt in The Addams Family. Whiny, unruly.

The landscape is puzzled together from my daily walks and the water is from a little trip with the boat that I no longer have. But if Itt trees are real, everything is fine.

And last but not least, this little planet is from my excursions in inner outer space, a spin-off from what I was really supposed to do. (Commissioned starfield, hanging behind an, um, pengunaut, where my little planetoid will be but a speck.) It is spinning counter-clockwise, or so I think.

Now please excuse me, my UFO is waiting.

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