August 12, 2013

End-of-Summer Painting

August. Still summer, but with a feeble, unstable feeling and occasional showers. Autumn is waiting around the corner, rather close during the evenings. A hot cup is good then...

...but 'round Noon it's still Summertime, with sunshine and butterflies. This one -- half a memory of half a moment -- was brown, spotted and incessantly fluttering, almost up in my face and then just gone. (It quickly realized that I wasn't a flower and this was a serious flaw in my character and probably not the only one.) So I settled for the Idea of a Brown Spotted Butterfly in General; decorative free miniature rather than impressionist strokes (lacking clear impressions).

I make a point of not planning too much. There's a new Vernissage on September 7:th, and I am really too busy framing and matting and cutting and measuring etc. so I'll paint as Time Almighty allows me to. I wonder what a cooler, rainier season shall do to this stream of details as I'm approaching the bottom of the little oval canvas. Summer fluttered by. Soon it might be gone.