July 05, 2015

The Nurse of Death, Work in Progress

This one will be dedicated to sweet Susanne, friendly soul and nurse with a lot of experience, some of it eerie. I might get back to this particular instance, and how she became an Angel of Death. I am still making the outlines. (We're a little tired. Being a nurse, or so I'm told, is a hard job of work.)

The Greek believed that Charon ferried the souls over to Hades on River Styx; in Voodoo tradition this honour befalls Baron Samedi (who prefers to be drunk during the process) and so forth. I think I'd prefer Susanne, actually...

The “paper” or background whilst “inking” (my wholly digital process calls for quotation marks) is my favourite nuance of tan; the colour of natural paper that has yellowed way past yellow.

To be continued...