This is a brush, the inner essence of a paintbrush.
I had fun in three ways.
Firstly, the joy of distilling a raw sketch into into intriguing lines with many surprising twists and turns, a bit of Surrealisme Art Noveau.
Secondly -- I didn't care much for authentic colours. If you just knew what odd colours traditional painters use for underpainting: Under this rosy skin there might be shades of greyish olive, subtle blues and whatnot that do the work. I've merely let the structures that could have been out.
(My Dear, why aren't you green, with cute little white freckles? You could've been green...)
Thirdly -- It never ceases to amuse me that if you have a light hue -- preferably with some little white on top -- and dark ones -- the darkest one nearing pitch black -- and smear the midtones gently together, you get the illusion of a three-dimensional, almost tangible shape... Here, too, I've put intuition to work, and now I take joy in the odd forms that were born out of the flat surface (in this case, a screen).
Last but not least -- here's a tiny Don Quixote on a ladybug. That's fun because it's fun.

-- Surrealisms and serious oddities by Joakim Ceder.
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March 25, 2018
March 18, 2018
Art Theory Gnomes
For my little book project: Meet the Art Theory Gnomes. They vaugely resemble something rodent with a dollop of lizard -- these vermin consume art and wish that they could do it themselves. They can't. So they squeak unintelligible sounds of learning at each others and squabble over framed food -- especially if someone finds a tasty modernist for dinner.
March 11, 2018
Table Painting Time
Sweetheart loves onions. And garlic. She didn't love her rather dilapidated table. So she asked this visiting artist to overcome his aversions for acrylics (yuck! -- dries before you can Do anything with it! -- clings to everything but what you're trying to paint! -- etc.) and decorate this sad piece of furniture a bit.
She also loves a Southern Swedish, quite inexplicable dish name of Kroppkakor. Grated potatoes are cooked into a sticky paste that encase dripping pieces of fat -- a sort of dumpling, large as a small mouse. It is quite possible to eat one. But somewhere on the second one the fat gets too fatty and the stickiness too sticky. And while the struggle to down no. 2 goes on, the visitor might see (and, regrettably, can't unsee) the locals pouring melted butter -- gulp -- yea, melted butter upon this already greasy delicacy...
"Won't you have another?"
"I think that I'll wait a little, thank you so much."
However. By drawing a plate of this, ahem, delicacy I've ensured that Sweetie always has food on her table. Next, ornamental greenery began to grow...
You see grapes in the corner. One of the many battle scars of this table was a splotch of old nail polish. And the colour and shape somewhat resembled a grape. So...
...why not give it some company? "The more we get together..."
March 04, 2018
Throwback Sunday
Rest is sometimes badly, so badly needed, and this is what you get this Sunday. It was sort of made a while ago and and here it comes again;
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