July 15, 2018

Heart In Vitro

A picture for my little (perpetual) book project; for me it symbolises a life kept on hold for indefinite time...

What do you think it is?

It would be for the part set in Hell, i.e., a factory, where the souls of all workers are being held captive in vitro. They may have weekends, they may have vacations. But their souls are stuck back there, pickled in jars. It's not very original: Charlie Chaplin expressed this well in Modern Times, Foucault explored this thralldom with a long leash as a philosopher, and so on. The paper-filled cubicles-with-a-roof in which academics dwell (as I saw during my University days -- no room for thought in those caves!) give me something like the same feeling.

Now for something really odd: This image of captivity was painted in perfect liberty -- in my little boat, resting in the reeds (it's the best way to park it) (one has to know how to get out of this greenery, though) and it was very warm and I had to finish quickly. I think that improved the work a lot.

Let's have a closer look at the heart. The underpainting was blue (after inking and erasing pencil, as usual when I'm on a working vacation from Photoshop) then careful but quick light washes of various red hues ("God, it's hot today!") while I did my best not to boil away. Voilà!

1 comment:

  1. Wow... jag älskar denna. Den påminner (för mig) om att livet inte är oändligt utan faktiskt rätt kort. Det gäller att följa sitt hjärta innan allt är slut. Ibland gör vi inte det, vi bara lever på, tar en ök eller två. Men någonstans vill vi vara som kungar i vårt eget liv, även om det inte alltid blir så... himla märkvärdigt. Vårt liv.
